


From page 54, line 28 of the Bylaws of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen:



Duties of Division Legislative Representative


17. (a) The duties and responsibilities of the division legislative representative are the safety and sanitation of the working  environment and the political education for the members of the local division.
(b) The division legislative representative shall, in their normal course of duties, monitor the enforcement of safety rules, regulations, and acts of Congress and/or state legislatures that provide the membership with a safe and healthy work environment.
(c) The division legislative representative shall undertake corrective measures relative to the issues specified above at the division level. If unable to resolve those issues, they will report same to the state legislative board chairman for further handling. The state legislative board chairman shall undertake to correct such conditions through appropriate measures. Upon receipt of the unresolved issues and if they are unable to correct these issues, they will report these issues to the National Legislative Board Chairman for further handling.
(d) In states where there are no legislative boards, issues that cannot be resolved at the division level shall be directed to the national Legislative Board Chairman.


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